Kirby Thomas & Co can help you plan for your future
There are many different types of Pension.
Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution. Final Salary and Money Purchase. Guaranteed and Non-Guaranteed. Personal Pension and Workplace Pension.
These are to name just a few and the connections between these can be endless and complex.
What simply is the right thing to do, as choosing your pension is just as important as choosing your career. In interviews you are asked “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” the same should be asked “Where do you see your Pension in 5 years?”
You have worked towards your pension, it’s now time for your pension to work for you.
Whether you are approaching 55 and want to simply take the tax free lump sum or whether you are simply at a stage where you want to ensure you don’t run out of money in retirement.
Let us help you to ensure your lifestyle is continued before, during and after retirement.
With vast experience and knowledge across the team we can assist you now and for the foreseeable
Fail to Plan….Plan to Fail.